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FellowSHIP project Shareholders of Viking Supply Ships AB (publ) are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, April 29, 2021.. In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the Board of Directors has decided that the Annual General Meeting shall be held without physical presence of shareholders, proxies and/or external parties and that the shareholders shall have the Viking Supply Ships AB (556161-0113). Se omsättning, bokslut, styrelse, m.m, Ladda ner gratis årsredovisningar. Viking Supply Ships AB (publ) är moderbolag I en svensk rederikoncern med säte i Göteborg. Koncernen bedriver verksamhet i fyra segment: Anchor Handling Tug Supply Ships (AHTS), Platform Supply Vessels (PSV), Services och Ship Management. Verksamheten är fokuserad på offshore och isbrytning främst inom arktiska och subarktiska områden.

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Norwegian Headquarters. Viking Ice Consultancy PB 204, Kirkegata 1 NO-4662 Kristiansand, Norway Viking Supply Ships vänder till vinst – flaggar för svag inledning på 2020. Publicerad: 2020-02-13 Om Viking Supply Ships AB. Viking Supply Ships AB är verksam inom verksamheter som utövas av huvudkontor.Bolaget är ett aktiebolag som varit aktivt sedan 1972. Viking Supply Ships AB omsatte 10 771 000 kr senaste räkenskapsåret (2019). Viking Supply Ships AB (publ) Styrelsen.

Due to the geography  We have a high focus on excellence in our HSEQ work, and Viking Supply Ship’s vision is an Incident and Injury Free workplace, with no harm to people and no damage to the environment. Swedish Headquarters.

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The shipping company is also responsible for the ship maintenance, partly under the budget of the Swedish Government. The Viking Energy supply vessel will in the contract period be part of a research project developing, installing and testing long-distance sailing fuelled by carbon-free ammonia fuel cells. The technology will be tested on the vessel from 2024. Viking Supply Ships AS (VSS) was established 15 August 1946 in Kristiansand under the name of Excelsior.

Viking supply ship

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Viking supply ship


Viking supply ship

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At the other  Aug 22, 2016 The recovered pieces constitute five types of Viking ship and have all been Skuldelev 1 was a sturdy seagoing cargo-vessel, possibly of the  Apr 13, 2020 With a crew of 65-70 men, it was a chieftain's ship, like those praised All Viking ships were built by the clinker technique- that is, starting for deep-sea navigation with its crew and a moderate cargo of tra The ships were all the same long narrow shape, with shallow draughts The Vikings also had slower passenger and cargo ships called knorrs. They built small  May 9, 2020 They had heard a king had been buried with his ship under a mound near the it may have specialized in carrying people, not cargo, across the fjords and Today, Roskilde is home to the Viking Ship Museum where both&n May 7, 2020 Kaupskips are merchant and transport ships.

Viking Supply Ships AB is a shipping company providing staffing for the icebreaker fleet of the Swedish Government. The shipping company is also responsible for the ship maintenance, partly under the budget of the Swedish Government.
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Everything you need in fire protection from one name. Viking SupplyNet links together all of the essential elements to provide seamless, complete solutions for contractors. It's all here. Everywhere you need us to be. Established in 1988, Viking SupplyNet now distributes the largest selection of sprinkler system components to customers in over 70 countries. Vessel VIKING PRINCE is a Offshore Supply Ship, Registered in Norway.

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All necessary assistance and a great deal of good advice have always been available, and mutual trust in expertise has worked excellently”, says Mr. Salonen describing the cooperation with the shipping company. Viking Supply Ships tvingas betala ett vite om 600.000 kronor till Nasdaq Stockholms Disciplinnämnd för försenad rapport. 14 augusti 2018 VSS säljer ytterligare – aktien rusar.

Sweden. Sweden.