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follow - Wiktionary
It may to some extent imply *“as it follows”, but be that is it may, it has always been singular, from its earliest recorded usage in 15th century Middle English. Define as follows. as follows synonyms, as follows pronunciation, as follows translation, English dictionary definition of as follows. v. fol·lowed , fol·low·ing , fol·lows v. tr.
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The following are all the options available: and even. We expect some response like the following: but it is not an idiom in the same way. "As the following" is grammatical, but not normal. Favorite Answer The first one, "Is as follows," is correct 100% of the time. The second one is just confusion, much like people confuse "for all intensive purposes" with the correct "for all The correct statement should be: is as follows (it is indicating in the present). Is as followed does not apply in this case.
First of all, the right punctuation after "as follows" is a colon. There's no way around that. "Follows" or "following" is the indicator.
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牵强附会!. 为了保证正确性,你应该用as follows,单数的最好少用。. 意义差不多,只是口语中多些. 英文的电子邮件时常会涉及到“具体情况/列表/名单如下”这样的表达法。.
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Many translated example sentences containing "as follows" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.
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To come or go after; proceed behind: Follow the usher to your seat. b. To go after in pursuit: would 2017-06-06 is as follows v.s. is as followed Hi, I was wondering whether " is as follows" correct or " is as followed' correct?
follow, followed. followed, followed by. following, haunts.
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Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. even though it applies to numerous items and is frequently followed by a colon as follow or as follows “My birthday requests are as follows.” This standard phrase doesn’tchange number when the items to follow grow from one to many. It’s nevercorrect to say “as follow.” Facebook Twitter Google + “As follows” is a stock phrase or compound expression, always in the singular. It may to some extent imply *“as it follows”, but be that is it may, it has always been singular, from its earliest recorded usage in 15th century Middle English. 1.7K views Sponsored by The Penny Hoarder "As followed" is not an expression that exists in standard English. To explain the idiom "as follows" a bit more: When we say something like "The rules are as follows", we mean something like "The rules are what follows (comes after) the statement I am writing now." View entire discussion (3 comments) More posts from the math community To my mind, the "as follows" doesn't relate to the content of the following text, but the text itself as a whole, i.e.
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How to use follow in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of follow. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'as\x20follows' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Q3. 經常看到有人寫My reply is follow / following / as follows / followed (我的回覆如下), 出現了不同的版本,令我覺得很混亂,請問應該怎樣寫才對呢? Every school, every classroom and every teacher has rules for students to follow, no matter the learners’ ages. These rules often address responsibilities like being on time, being prepared, being courteous to staff and other students, bein Once upon a time, you had to sit by your TV or radio if you wanted to follow a breaking news story and get the most up-to-date information.
Follow definition is - to go, proceed, or come after.