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Establishment of an Inspection 2021-01-14 Please select an option from the following: » Edit/create my profile » Delete my profile: The commands in this section can only be executed by Business Partner Approvers. The EPON operation is defined for distances of at least 20 km, and for a split ratio of at least 1:32. Active. IEEE 802.3cn-2019 - IEEE Standard for Ethernet - Amendment 4: Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 50Gb/s, 200Gb/s, and 400Gb/s Operation over Single-Mode Fiber. OP 4.01 - Environmental Assessment These policies were prepared for use by World Bank staff and are not necessarily a complete treatment of the subject. OP 4.01 January, 1999 Note: OP/BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment, were revised on April 2013 to take into account the recommendations in “Investment Lending Reform: Modernizing and EA reports in accordance with OP 4.01, paras. 9 and 11-12.

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